Monday, November 5, 2012

Let Us Be Thankful (part 2)

"The best gift of the Gospel is seeing and savoring the supremacy of Jesus Himself." [John Piper]

It is no surprise that one of the big things I am grateful for is Christ. He is the one who willingly obeyed His father to be sent to a fallen, sinful world to die a brutal, violent, death on a wooden cross on a hill called Calvary for all of the sins of the world. Because He became our substitutionary sacrifice we have access to approach God with no condemnation for our sins. Because of Christ, God has adopted us as Christians into His kingdom and allows us to call Him 'Father'. It is because of Christ that I am alive. It is because of Christ that I am healed. It is because of Christ that we don't have to worry or be anxious, because He is supreme over all of creation. He is supreme over sports. He is supreme over all animals, plants, and living beings. He is supreme over diseases and cancer. He is supreme over weather related things such as hurricanes and earthquakes. He is supreme even over media, news, government and presidential elections.

I can not do justice in describing the supremacy of Christ. That is why I am also thankful for my scholarly friends like John Piper who give us mind-blowing descriptions of how Jesus Christ is the Supreme Ruler over ALL things. Although this video is almost 19 minutes long, you will not regret listening to the entire thing. Why? Because THIS ... is our God.

"There is not one square inch of the entire creation about which Jesus Christ does not cry out, 'This is mine! This belongs to me!'" [Abraham Kuyper]

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