Tuesday, December 18, 2012

He Called Them Home

"When my world is shaking,
Heaven stands.
When my heart is breaking,
I never leave Your hands."

As American citizens we are blessed with so much. From clothes to food to houses to modes of transportation, etc. We also have many educational opportunities and a variety of vocations. As a nation we are greatly blessed. We have men and women over-seas fighting wars and protecting our nation and our freedom. Many of these men and women have lost their lives and are recognized as heros. No one can forget the horrific terrorist attack 11 years ago where hundreds of lives were lost. There are no explanations for events like this.

However, not all recognized heros are those who fight in wars. I do not want to diminish the honor and respect that the men and women fighting over-seas deserve, but some heros are found in the lives of the young children and teachers who's lives were lost over the weekend in the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut.

None of us can begin to imagine how these parents and families are dealing with this loss. I can't imagine being that mom or dad who have to return the Christmas presents they bought for their 6 or 7 year old who can't join them this year. Christmas is suppose to be the most wonderful time of the year. But these parents and families are grieving. Some parents will even have to explain to their younger children why they won't be able to play with their older siblings. The traditional holiday cheer and gift will instead be full of funerals and tears.

This tragic, unexplainable event should make us more aware that our days are numbered. Although we do not understand why these young children had to die, God knew and had planned out all their days. And He has planned out each and every one of our days as well. After reading this blog post you could suddenly have a heart-attack and die. [I pray that doesn't happen, but you get my point.]

Although this blog post is not very long, I encourage you to make the most of your days. That might mean calling or texting that one person just to say that you love them. Or it might mean volunterring and helping out at your local Soup Kitchen and serving those who are less fortunate than you. Jesus Christ came to this earth, became a human, not to be served, but to serve. As Christians, we are to be image-bearers of Christ. So whatever you do to "make the most of your days", use this holiday season to share the love of Christ to those who may not know His love.

Satan's job is to kill, steal, and destroy. He will try any possible way to get people to question God. He will even allow a young adult to take the lives of 26 innocent children and teachers in an elementary school. But, God's light is stronger than the darkness of the evil one. He is a Father to the fatherless. "When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand."

Where is God in situations like this?
Where is God when innocent lives are taken?
Right where He has always been.
Waiting with arms wide open to heal the brokenhearted.
Hope and trust in Him friends. He will never forsake you.

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